Categories: Toyota Mirai

How can the 2016 Toyota Mirai be fueled by lemonade?

Well, the future of the automotive industry is upon us. Instead of regular gasoline and diesel fuel, cars can now be fueled by electricity, hydrogen, and even lemonade! That’s right, the 2016 Toyota Mirai can run on lemonade. But how is that even possible? Well, before you pour lemonade directly into your 2016 Toyota Mirai, here are the facts.

Read more: How fuel efficient is the 2016 Toyota Mirai?

The components in lemonade can be processed into hydrogen, which can then be used to fuel the 2016 Mirai. Although Toyota has not yet revealed exactly how the process goes, Toyota’s main intention in revealing this alternative fuel source is to expose the possibilities that hydrogen fuel offers.

Read more: How does a fuel cell vehicle work?

So what should you do with those leftover glasses of lemonade when the lemonade stand business gets tough? Sell it to Toyota! At least, that’s what these kids did:

For additional information about the 2016 Toyota Mirai and how it can be fueled by lemonade, contact our team at Toyota Vacaville.
