Categories: Tips and tricks

7 ways to pass the time while stuck in California city traffic

How to pass the time stuck in California city traffic

In California cities, morning and evening commutes often mean spending valuable time stuck in your vehicle. Instead of dreading your drive to and from work, you can look forward to it! Here’s how you can pass the time stuck in California city traffic:

1. Blast your favorite tunes – Radio, CD, MP3 – whatever it may be.
2. Call a friend – Catch up with friends and family you don’t get to see every day.
3. Listen to a podcast – Pick a new and interesting topic and get educated.
4. People watch – You might even catch the driver next to you shamelessly singing and dancing to their music!
5. Pop in an audiobook – A great music-alternative that passes the time.
6. Let your mind wander – Think about past memories, future plans, creative ideas – your options are endless!
7. Relax! – No matter what you do choose to do, find something that relaxes you.

While stuck in city traffic, your commute is the perfect time to relax. In the morning, you can get into the right mindset for a productive workday. At the end of the day, you can let your mind wind down for a work-free evening.

Commuter safety is very important, so make sure to be aware of your surroundings. Call rather than text. Listen rather than read. And don’t let your mind wander too far! If you’re not sure your car is running safely and effectively for your commute, contact us at Toyota Vacaville. Or you can schedule a car service appointment online!
