Categories: Tips and tricks

Safety Tips for Holiday Travel with Kids

During the holidays, many families are traveling near and far. It’s a busy time of year and the perfect opportunity to be reminded of a few important car safety tips for traveling with children. We hope the following tips help keep you and your family safe this holiday season.

Educate other drivers about safely transporting children

If you are visiting family or close friends over the holidays, your child may end up being transported from point A to point B by someone other than you. Make sure the other driver is up-to-date with child car safety and their vehicle is fitted with the proper equipment to transport your kids.

Remember: Car seats have expiration dates

As tempting as it may be, do not accept used car seats as gifts. Used car seats may have wear and tear that you are unaware of, and they also could be expired. Buying new is the best practice for car and booster seats.

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Know when to switch from rear-facing to front-facing car seats

It can be tough to determine the right time to switch your child from rear-facing to front-facing car seats. You can refer to the height and weight limits for the rear-facing seat and keep using it until your child reaches one or both of the limits. Typically, it will fall sometime near age two, but it could also be later.

Should your child still be using a booster seat?

Parents often take their children off of booster seats too soon. Take note of the height and weight limits for your booster seat, and make sure your child uses it until they reach one or both of the limits. Kids are ready to graduate from the booster seat when the seat belt hits them across the upper thighs (not stomach) and across the chest and shoulder (not face or neck).

If you have additional questions about safety tips for traveling with children around the holidays, feel free to contact our team at Toyota Vacaville. Have a happy and safe holiday season!
